short inca trail trek

short inca trail trek

Conquering the Short Inca Trail Trek

The Short Inca Trail trek is a perfect introduction to the breathtaking beauty of the Andes and the ancient ruins of the Inca civilization. Here’s a beginner’s guide to help you conquer this unforgettable adventure.

Choose the right tour operator

Research and choose a reputable tour operator that offers guided tours of the Short Inca Trail. Make sure they provide experienced guides, proper equipment, and good reviews from past hikers.

Pack light and pack right

Bring only the essentials for the trek such as a sturdy backpack, comfortable hiking shoes, and breathable clothing. Don’t forget to pack plenty of water, snacks, sunscreen, and a camera to capture the stunning views along the trail.

Prepare for the altitude

The Short Inca Trail reaches heights of over 10,000 feet, so acclimate yourself to the altitude before the trek. Stay hydrated, take it slow, and listen to your body to prevent altitude sickness.

Train beforehand

Build up your stamina and endurance by hiking regularly and incorporating strength training exercises into your workout routine. This will help you tackle the steep inclines and rocky terrain of the Inca Trail.

Respect the environment

Keep the trail clean and respect the natural surroundings by picking up after yourself and avoiding any littering. Stay on designated paths, be mindful of wildlife, and always follow the instructions of your guide.

Enjoy the journey

Take in the stunning views of the Andean mountains, lush cloud forests, and ancient Inca ruins along the Short Inca Trail. Immerse yourself in the beauty and history of this iconic trek, and savor every moment of this unforgettable adventure.